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The Journey to Smarter Logistics

“Driving the Future of Logistics, One Innovation at a Time”

At Sensitel, we envision a world where logistics and supply chain operations are seamless, predictive, and hyper-efficient. We believe in creating technology that not only responds to today’s challenges but anticipates tomorrow’s needs

Our Story

One day we got a call from an automotive supplier. This company supplied car seats to the largest EV manufacturer. These were the days when the manufacturer was facing scaling challenges with their new model rollout, termed “Production hell” by the CEO.

The driver delivering seats to the factory was so overworked that he slept at a stop on the way to the factory. Since each car seat was sequenced to the vehicle's VIN number, all the 2,000 workers in the factory were waiting for the seats to arrive.

The workers were frustrated and the supplier got a huge penalty. Next week, we put in a tracking system to track each step in the seat delivery process and connected the manufacturer's trigger based production system with the supplier's shipment schedules.

We stopped the wait so that there won't be any waste. Since that day, our purpose has been to connect the people in different tiers of supply chain with the front line workers like drivers and factory workers, so there is no frustration or wastage.