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Your Delivery Experience Elevated

TrackAware by Sensitel: The future of last-mile delivery and predictive arrival intelligence. Unite your supply chain with our cutting-edge IoT software and hardware, designed specifically for high-value goods, transportation units, and the next-gen automated vehicles

Arrival Time Prediction

Revolutionary AI-driven predictions for accurate delivery times. Stay always one step ahead

Sens TrackAware
Sens TrackAware

Real-time Alerts & SLAs

Turn insights into action. Receive instant alerts on SLAs, ensuring seamless operations and client satisfaction

Tracking Dashboard

One glance, total clarity. Experience real-time updates with our user-friendly dashboard

Sens TrackAware
Sens TrackAware

Seamless Integrations

Integrate effortlessly with leading TMS providers, mobile applications, and IoT devices for a cohesive logistics orchestration

Mobile Tracking Application

Track on-the-go. From electronic signatures to geofences, manage deliveries with ease from our dedicated app

Sens TrackAware
Sens TrackAware

Advanced Analytics & Reporting

Oversee your operations with detailed analytics. Monitor SLAs, manage exceptions, and receive daily summaries

Innovation with Sens AI

Minimize operational costs with Sens AI. Optimize unloading with smart cameras and sensors, ensuring faster turnarounds

Sens TrackAware

Empower Your Frontline, Grow Your Topline

Dive into the world of TrackAware and redefine your delivery experiences.
Elevate accuracy, boost efficiency, and ensure unparalleled customer satisfaction
Request a Demo Today